Hockey Helmet

Hockey Helmet

An indoor sport that can be played all year round, and is played all year round is hockey. It is played by both youth, teens and adults. The sport requires a lot of equipment to be worn. One key piece of this hockey equipment is the hockey helmet. Hockey helmets protect the one part of the body that controls the rest of the body. This part of the player would be his or her head.


hockey helmet

Hockey Helmets

Hockey helmet is the most important gear that every player should wear before entering the field to protect themselves from injury. National hockey league players are advised to change their helmets once every seven years as that is all the wear and tear a hockey helmet can stand.

Helmet: The absolute most important piece of equipment and it MUST fit properly. For game play, your helmet must be HECC approved and most leagues require face masks. Some may allow a clear face shield or visor as adequate facial protection, but it is best to check with your ice rink or league for their official rules.

Please also check out: Skate Shoe and Hockey Gloves